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Recliner chairs is adjustable chair in which you can adjust the back and foot portion according to your body. These days, the demand of the chair is increasing tremendously. You can find these chairs in almost all modern homes. This furniture can make you feel comfortable and can enhance the interior of your house too.
Looking at this, many companies offer different types of recliner chairs that differ in design, style, size and type. You can easily choose the right one, which suits the interior of your house. These chairs are prepared from high quality fabrics and thus, you do not have to worry about the durability.
Reclining chairs with two arrangements:
In these types of seats, you can stretch your back up to the angle of 45 degree. These chairs are good for official and relaxing purposes. However, you cannot sleep on this chair as you can do in other seats. These chairs are cheaper than other recliners, because there is not much mechanism used in them.
Recliner with three adjustments:
In this type of seat, you can do three different types of adjustments for making your work more comfortable and for relaxing your body in your spare time. This chair is easily available in the market and the price of this seat is affordable.
Reclining chair with infinite adjustments:
This is the most comfortable chair, as it can bend at any position and at any angle. Many people use this chair for various purposes such as reading, sleeping, relaxing and thinking. You can also adjust back portion and raise the footrest of this chair, as you may not find this option in any other chairs.
Hence, these seats are the best options for performing official works as well as for relaxation purposes.
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List Price : $480.00
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We all love our pets; they are very adorable and even if they do something wrong we end up ignoring it because of their innocence and our love for them. All pets and especially cats and dogs have a liking for scratching. They end up scratching the leather sectionals you have in your home and then you have to spend a lot of money on the wear and tear of those leather sectionals. Cats enjoy scratching. You even feel angry and some times you take steps you do not want to. The best thing to save your pets from your anger and keep your leather furniture intact is to take necessary measures to stop your pets from scratching them.
One thing every pet owner should keep in mind is that their pets will scratch as that is very normal for them; so instead of stopping them from doing so you should encourage them by adding a scratching post near your couch. The post should not be rocking to and fro and it should be sturdy. Keep the post there until it has been shredded into pieces by your pet.
Secondly; if your pet is scratching on a particular area of the leather furniture you should attach a double sided tape over that area. This will discourage your pet from scratching it as the tape provides a very unpleasant feel to your pet.
Thirdly; cover the leather product with plastic runners and mats. Keeps the smoother side downward facing; many pets do not like plastic and they will not scratch the area it is located.
Aversion therapy is very helpful but his will destroy the mood of your animal. When ever your pet scratches and part of the leather furniture in your house; spray cold water on them. Pets do not like cold water and they will stop performing the action due to which you have sprayed water. This method is even recognized as classical conditioning.
Animals do not like the smell of citrus products; they run away from the smell of it. Use such products near your leather; beds, couches and chairs. The scent will stop them from even coming near those areas. Use citrus scented cleaners on your leather item which will be disliked by your pets.
Pets are really adorable but they need to be taught the difference between right and wrong; the steps stated above will aid you in solving the issue of pets scratching leather sectionals.
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The chaise lounge, that luxurious French chair of yore is all wet, literally. No one back in the late 1700s would have had the slightest clue that in the 21st century we would have taken their beloved furniture and repurposed it for aquatic purposes. The chaise lounge has indeed undergone some major changes in design.
From its original form came slight variations like the Duchesse Brisee and the Recamier, but these were not earth-shattering to say the least. Then, it became an accepted part of patio furniture as the more broad definition of a "chaise longue" or long chair, was embraced. Now, you can enjoy the relaxing form of a chaise lounger in your bedroom, your living room, your backyard and in the swimming pool.
As you can imagine, the differences between an indoor, an outdoor and a pool chaise lounge are many.
Water loungers are more closely akin to the outdoor seating in general in its ability to be waterproof.
Beyond that, however, the material varies significantly. These floating seats are made from inflatable plastic, usually PVC vinyl that is both durable and will not easily rip. Also, there is obviously no need for legs of any kind on a chaise lounge which floats on water. To consider it a chaise lounge, then, it needs to still have the very basic recline and headrest features. A pool chaise lounge also typically comes with connected armrests.
Some floats are longer like traditional loungers so that you can lie with your legs fully extended. Some of these also have cutouts for feet, so you can choose to submerge your legs at will. Other chaise loungers are more chair-like and compact, lacking the long base. On these floats, your legs will hang and your waist will be somewhat submerged as your center of gravity will be shifted lower. To be certain, while they are not interchangeable in the slightest, a pool chaise lounge is much cheaper than either an outdoor or indoor lounger. So when someone asks if you own a chaise lounge, you can honestly reply in the affirmative! Models run from around to + for fancier designs that includes cup holders, flip top headrests, rear-support arm chamber and other bells and whistles. Typically, they inflate manually, though a bike pump works just as well for those with a lesser lung capacity (or patience). Also look for non-scratch safety valves and a quick deflate feature.
When you think about a plastic float that you sit on in the pool, they're basically one in the same right? Well, that's not entirely true. The chaise lounge design is what makes this pool companion better than other rafts, noodles and floats. For starters, unlike a noodle, paddle board and other small floats, the extended length chaise lounge allows you to lie entirely above the water surface. The result is a more even tan, along with keeping the chilly water below at bay. But unlike a regular raft, the head and armrests provide some very welcome neck and back support. Unlike a chaise lounge, where you are supported in a sitting position, basic rafts require that you lie flat to be balanced. This can lead to neck and back discomfort if you need to prop yourself up, and it's also harder to start upright if you do. Plus, by lying flat on your back you're forced to look directly into the sun. Lying on one's stomach isn't a much more comfortable solution.
Its appearance in all areas of indoor, outdoor and recreational furniture shows the true lasting power of the chaise lounge. Though many of today's models are a far cry from what French designers once intended, the chaise is just as popular now as it was then, though it continues to evolve in form and function as our needs as a culture change.
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When I think of a sectional sofa, I generally think of a large, overstuffed sofa that is "L" shaped. It consists of a minimum of two parts, often more. The different pieces can include recliners, a love seat or sofa (often with a hide-a-bed), corner pieces or a chaise lounge. The sectional sofa may be micro fiber, regular upholstery or leather. I think this classification is common for most of us. But a sectional does not have to fit into this pigeon hole, there are unique ones out there which look more like a piece of art than seating for the whole family.
The first time I saw a unique sectional sofa was when we owned an antique and used furniture store. My husband purchased a sectional that reminded us of a snake. The overall styling was a bit retro, and it consisted of two pieces, both curved. When the pieces were placed together it made an "S" shape. The color of the sofa was a patterned white and silver, so both the shape and the color were reminiscent of a snake. At first I wasn't too sure about that couch, thinking "who in the world would want this?". But the more I looked at it, the more I like it. Sure enough, it didn't take long before someone came along who absolutely loved the sectional. Her house had burnt down the previous year, so she was building and refurnishing a new home, and enjoying every minute of it! Though she did have the snake couch reupholstered, she was very excited about her find and placing it in her new home.
One unique sectional sofa that I cam across recently was designed by Ron Arad 17 years ago, but only went into production two years ago, the world just wasn't ready for it when it was first designed. This sectional really does look like a piece of modern art, the individual pieces are referred to as modules, and this modular seat is called the Misfit sofa. The Misfit is composed of six modules: two corner pieces, two middle seats and two ottomans. Each piece is a unique shape, using solid and empty spaces and unique curves that suggest movement. When the New York Times wrote an article about this sofa a couple of years ago, I thought the title summed up this sofa nicely: A Sofa Dr. Seuss Might Have Dreamed Up.
Some other general things that can be found in a sectional sofa are more curves than mentioned above, large "U" shaped sofas that also have integrated tables, integrated lights (in the table surfaces), and back to back seating.
I even saw a four piece sectional that formed a large circle when all the pieces were pushed together. The middle piece was a small, round ottoman. Put together it looked like a round bed. Remove the center ottoman and you had continuous circular seating, pull all the pieces out so that they did not touch, and you had individual seats in which you could move between the pieces.
If you are in the market for a sectional sofa, often the best one for a traditional family is the classic sectional with recliners and a sofa bed. But if you are into modern and trendy designs, there are definitely some options out there that are unique, that really make a statement about who you are.
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Beach day outs are more fun when you have your beloved ones around you and importantly when you have all your essentials. Sometimes forgetting itsy bitsy things can spoil your day and put you off. So, when you pack your stuff for a day out - especially to a beach on a sunny day - never forget to carry the essential beach accessories. They may be small in size but you won't realize their importance until you require them.
While you pack your bag for a beach day out, just see to that you carry enough beach towels, change of clothes, beach toys, pails and shovels if you have kids, and of course lounge chair organizers. You might wonder as to why these lounge chair organizers are also on the list- Are they so important? You won't know how functional these organizers are until you get to use them. This beach accessory allows you to keep your MP3 player, sun glasses, and key chains at your reach, so you don't have to get up each time you need something.
Keep your hands free and relax on the lounge watching your kids play with their pails and shovels on the sand. You may also keep the lounge chair organizer in place with beach towel clips that come in exciting shapes and varied shades. With the lounge chair organizer, your sun bathing on a beach chair becomes extremely hassle free. Do not restrict yourself to reclining on the lounge, now that your belongings are safe and organized, play the Frisbee with your family and gambol around for maximum fun.
If you are planning for a beach day out, then you should not forget to check out the Boca chaise lounge chair organizer. The Boca chaise lounge chair organizer is extremely functional and a must have accessory for a perfect day out at the seaside.
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When your customers are picturing their perfect vacation, they are picturing gorgeous views and delicious food. They are not picturing broken furniture and rusting bar equipment. Unfortunately, that's exactly what you will have if you buy your outdoor equipment and furniture solely on price without doing your due diligence. As an equipment and supply dealer in the Florida and Caribbean markets for nearly sixty years, we have been asked to visit many properties where the operator had gone out and bought all new residential outdoor furniture for their property, only to have to replace it with commercial furniture a few months later. Especially in this economy, you need your investments to last. Do the research and spend a little more at the beginning, and save yourself the headaches and the replacement costs down the road.
In Florida we live in a gorgeous climate that people from around the world spend millions of dollars each year to visit. You want your outdoor areas to look inviting and to withstand damage from both your guests and our climate. There are common mistakes that operators make when they design an outdoor area in Florida. It doesn't matter if the property is a poolside lounge area, a rooftop bar area, or just a casual area set aside for your guests and patrons to enjoy the afternoon sun.
The most common mistake that we see is that people design these areas as if they were designing their own personal back yards, and use the same types of products. You might have found outdoor seats and cushions at your local big box retailer and thought they were nice enough to use on your pool side chaise lounges and outdoor seating. The thing to remember here is that these retailers may have hundreds of stores around the country, and not all stores are located in areas with as harsh outdoor elements as Florida. So a seat cushion made for the short summer months in New York is not made with the same standards as a seat cushion that is used year round in Florida. In addition, the climate in Florida is much more severe than the summer climates elsewhere. You have to figure the amount of heat, UV rays, humidity, rain and salt air. These larger retailers inventory a generic product that may work for most states around the country, but not for Florida's extreme climate. The combination of the sun and the salt air alone will greatly diminish the life of most outdoor equipment, supplies and furniture even if the products that are labeled for "outdoor use".
A lot of thought and planning needs to be incorporated in specifying an outdoor commercial application in Florida. If the planning is not done correctly you will find yourself with a lot of rusted and corroded equipment, that will have to be replaced and disposed of within a year, or worse yet you might find your self fighting a legal battle because someone got hurt on your property. Besides the obvious differences between using residential grade products versus commercial grade furniture, Florida's extreme climate dramatically shortens the life expectancy of most food service equipment. The salt air and close proximity to the equator create a very harsh environment. While most manufacturers produce equipment and supplies for outdoor use, many are suitable for outdoor use throughout the rest of the United States, but just do not hold up well to Florida's brutal conditions. The salt air and UV sunlight will cause wood to warp, plastics to melt, fabrics to fade, and metals to rust. Buying the right equipment from the beginning will result in not having to buy it twice. Most importantly, buying the right items does not have to cost more. It just has to be specified correctly from the beginning.
There are several manufacturers of outdoor equipment, supplies and furniture that will work better and last longer here in Florida. While nothing will last forever, these manufacturers have developed products that will hold up to Florida's extreme environment. A few of the manufacturers include Vermont Island, Grosfillex, Cambro, MagiKitch'n, Supreme Metal and G.E.T. Vermont Island builds outdoor custom modular food service carts. Their units consist primarily of bar components and mobile cooking equipment built specifically for outdoor use. Their units are made with a tropical wood known as Ipe. The Ipe will not warp in the Florida sun and it resists insects. In addition, they use all stainless steel cooking equipment and materials such as granite or stone that hold up nicely on our beaches. Several properties in Florida who use Vermont Islands are: The Disney Swan And Dolphin Resorts (Orlando), The Breakers (Palm Beach), The Polo Club (Boca Raton), Ocean Reef Club (Key Largo), The Hilton (Key West), Admiral's Cove (Jupiter), and Hamilton Harbor Yacht Club (Naples).
Outdoor seating is probably the area where most operators make the biggest error. Materials such as chrome and wrought iron may look good for several months but the harsh sun and salt air will degrade these materials, eventually making them unsafe. Even scarier is the fact that many retailers carry residential grade furniture that is not made to the same specifications as commercial grade furniture. Grosfillex is a major manufacturer of commercial plastic furniture. They design and build beautiful plastic furniture to look like metal and many other trendy materials. The difference between what Grosfillex manufacturers and what you will find in your local home patio store is that Grosfillex builds their furniture to a higher standard. They conform to several ASTM (American Society For Testing And Materials) standards, while most chairs that you will see at big box retailers do not. Their chairs must be able to maintain a load of 400 lbs, while tilting back 4 inches on their rear legs, for half an hour. Their chair backs must be able to maintain 150 pounds for half an hour, arm rests must be able to sustain the weight of 250 pounds suspended from them, and their chaise lounges are certified to sustain a 400-pound person. The safety and well-being of your patrons should be the driving force in selecting the safest furniture. However, the settlement that you will be forced to pay a patron who sues you as a result of a injury from a broken chair is also a great motivator in buying quality commercial chairs and furniture.
Cambro is another manufacturer who designs products for use in pool areas and patios. They offer several different sized portable bars that can easily be rolled out for temporary use in most environments. Cambro blow molds their bars from durable plastics; therefore they hold up very well even in our climate. In addition to their portable bars and ice caddies, they also manufacture plastic tray, plates and polycarbonate drinkware. The drinkware pieces have the look and style of glassware, but offer the safety of plastic. They are reusable and will last longer than their glassware counterparts. Several operators who use Cambro products are: Green Streets Restaurant And Lounge (Coconut Grove), Boca Raton Hotel (Boca Raton), J.B.'s On The Beach (Deerfield Beach), and The Renaissance Orlando Sea World (Orlando), just to name a few.
G.E.T. Melamine Company is another manufacturer who designs smallwares items that can be safely used in your outdoor pool areas and bars. Their polycarbonate beer mugs, martini glasses, wine glasses and other drinkware look like glass, but are made to be more durable to handle all of your outdoor needs. They also offer dozens of patterns of dinnerware to help set the dining experience, all made of melamine. Melamine products are tough and will not break if dropped. This will give you peace of mind and avoid injury to an unsuspecting patron who might be walking around barefoot in your pool area.
To make an educated purchase of outdoor cooking equipment, you must understand a little bit about stainless steel. There are two types of stainless steel primarily used in the foodservice industry, the first is 430 series stainless steel and the second is 304 series stainless steel. The main differences between the two is the amount of nickel in both metals. Most operators do not know the difference between the two metals because both metals look the same. However, 430 stainless steel will rust much faster in the salt air than the 304 stainless steel. Since 430 stainless steel is slightly less expensive than 304 stainless steel, many manufacturers will build cooking equipment with 430 stainless, for outdoor use. While a 430 stainless steel char broiler might not show signs of rust within a year if placed in central Ohio, it will certainly rust within the first year in service in Florida.
I recently reviewed the plans specified by an equipment dealer located in the Midwest who designed a roof top patio using a char broiler made of 430 stainless. The unit will certainly rust in the salt air, obviously not a problem in the Midwest. This is an example of a piece of cooking equipment designed to work outdoors, just not in a coastal area where there is salt air present. I contacted the end user and recommended that they speak to their consultant and have this specific piece of cooking equipment re-specified to a brand such as MagiKitch'n. MagiKitch'n builds a similar unit, but they build theirs out of 304 stainless steel, therefore it will endure our local salt air much longer. With a little research, or guidance from an experienced equipment and supply company you can extend the life of your equipment investments. Two properties in Florida using MagiKitch'n outdoor cooking equipment are Mizner Country Club (Boca Raton) and Saddlebrook Resort and Spa (Wesley Chapel).
A lot of operators also chose to use galvanized metals instead of stainless steel, primarily in the kitchen or bar areas. A hotel's pool and patio area in Florida is constantly subjected to rain, humidity, extreme heat and salt air. Galvanized metals will rust quickly. Supreme Metal Company offers an all stainless steel series of back bar equipment. While their economy, galvanized line known as the Challenger Series will hold up for several years on inside bars, outside bars will fare much better when their entire understructure and other surfaces are made of stainless. The Prestige line by Supreme Metal features all stainless steel design, and it is polished and chromed. These metals will not only last longer in the Florida heat and salt air, but the mirrored chromed finish will make any bartender proud. A few well known users of Supreme Metal's Prestige line are: The Palm Beach Country Club (Palm Beach), Sandals Resort (Jamaica), and Beaches Resort (Turks And Caicos).
Designing and specifying the correct equipment, supplies and furniture to use in an outdoor pool bar or patio takes time and effort. But by not doing your due diligence the first time around, you might select equipment that will not last or worse yet create an unsafe condition for your guests or patrons. The safest and most durable outdoor products should always be commercially rated, if made of metals should be specified as 304 stainless steel, and made of materials that will resist UV or are designed for Florida's harsh environment. By following these simple guidelines, you can easily create an outdoor "oasis" that is more profitable for you, safer for your guests and will give you a longer return on your investment.
One of the reasons that people delay to redecorate a living room is for the reason that the sofa could be very expensive. This is especially right if a person needs to modify the theme of a space from a vintage design to a fresh design. One sometimes does not feel that cheap sofas will offer the luxury or toughness of a more dear sofa.
There are some instances when the original sofa in a space was picked in particular because it would fit in a smaller living space and the thought of attempting to come across one to complement a new theme can be mind-blowing. But there are a lot of alternatives to be had to spruce up a room with fresh furnishings and still stay under budget.
Sofas which are produced to be used in more forward-looking interior decoration are made to be both comfortable and match the space in which they are positioned. They come in a range of styles which will fit a lounge of any size and produce the illusion of added space.
The sofas are produced making use of a grouping of materials. A few of the sofas are produced to be an ingredient of a city chic interior design idea and are produced using plain lines with chrome accents. These sofas fit in an undersized flat without problems and provide one with the coziness of smooth cushions and have stitching that gives strength but offers an up-to-the-minute feeling.
The sofa frames are manufactured using strong hardwood but the style of the sofa offers one the ability to position it in a corner for an urban chic theme or to use it as a central point in a room. The shades that are on hand provide a lot of options for the space interior design style.
Several of the contemporary sofa ranges offer adjustable backrests which give the user the facility to sit or recline on the sofa effortlessly. The sofas are plus frequently sectionals enabling more freedom when decorating a little living area.
If an individual wants the coziness that can be got in brimming conventional furniture, they will observe that this identical sort of sense is accessible in new cheap sofas. Lots of the sofas are styled using tufted backs and arms which offer you the feeling that they are lounging in an overstuffed chair when they are worn-out. Lots of the sofas have ottomans which are a portion of the sofa and let one to put their feet up and recline on the sofa without taking up all of the sitting area for others in the room.
Current furniture is regularly made using man-made materials that wear really rapidly and can be high-priced to invest in. In spite of this there are cheap sofas that are produced from real leather and offer the softness and indulgence that comes with that textile. Leather is a particularly tough fabric that will stay in unspoiled condition with the least effort for several years.
Prior to creating the sofa the leather is dyed to the color that will be used. One can come across bright blue sofas or sofas with gentle tones to fit a decorating theme. Several of the sofas have cushions that also act as pillows which can be produced to match the arch of a person's back and offer more contentment when lounging.
Lots of the cheap sofas plus are produced specifically for multi-functional use. They are cozy enough to be used by visitors who stopover but plus provide a dazzling vivid guise when one enters a room. The sofas too have a sitting area and an attached lounge where one can take it easy at the end of the day.
The sofas are created out of hardwood and are produced to supply years of service and enjoyment in the spaces where they are positioned. In a number of instances an individual might desire to broaden the visual continuity of 2 open rooms and pick sofas that fit this in both shade and design. This positioning will allow more space to entertain guests and give a person entering the room the sense that they have stepped into a sizable room.
When one is searching for the ultimate sofa to complement a room and theme the dealer of cheap sofas will be able to lend a hand with a detailed range of designs that agree with the needs of the people who will be using the sofa. In numerous situations the sales person will be able to make recommendations based on the manner of use that is expected and the kinds of colours and fabrics that the individual prefers. The sales persons have been meticulously trained in the unique features of each sofa. They will be able to offer guidance on matching the highest quality sofa with the wishes of every person that will be using it.
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Tanjor Aluminum Deep Seating Chaise Lounge With River Rock Frame And C0849 Fabric. 6322-RIV-C0849. Patio Chaise Lounges. This Casual Creations Tanjor Aluminum Deep Seating Chaise Lounge with River Rock Frame comes with C0849 fabric and is built to last for years. Each Chaise Lounge is throughly cleaned and dried, then treated with special sealant before painting. Dimensions (in Inches): 80 D x 27 W x 39 H. All Casual Creations outdoor patio furniture is made from top quality aluminum.
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Suncoast Furniture 413S-MH-NAV Rosetta Outdoor Chaise Lounge |
Suncoast Furniture 413S-MH-NAV Rosetta Outdoor Chaise Lounge![]() Suncoast Furniture 413S-MH-NAV Rosetta Outdoor Chaise Lounge
Suncoast Furniture 413S-MH-NAV Rosetta Outdoor Chaise Lounge Overviews
Finish:Mahogany, Strap Colors:Navy - Smooth, Strap:Smooth Strap Rosetta Strap Collection Chaise Lounge with Arms Suncoast's Rosetta Strap Collection offers a very elegant and sophisticated design that will create an inviting dining area on any outdoor patio. Crafted from cast aluminum, it offers both beauty & comfort, satisfying the fussiest of buyers. Suncoast provides a 15 year warranty on frames and a 5 year warranty on vinyl straps and frame finishes. neutrogena acne stress scrub darien lake camping sofa pillows decorative Thursday, October 6, 20111963 Jacobs Family Movies1963 Jacobs Family Movies On YouTube.Knotts Berry Farm, visit the birthday of Whittier Terrace Concrete 1963 G'ma T? with (wheelbarrow) Brian back terrace of the Child Mother Day 1963 Mike (New Lounge) 2 in Whittier in Whittier backyard Tommersons Brian (Wagon, Dumptruck) Brian Birthday (chaise lounge, wheelbarrow, sand box) Deanne Brian's graduation trip for children Dad and Mike Box Boys on the patio Tags: 16mm, conversion, 8mm, film, home, movie, video, slides, hidef 1923 Ad A Kimbel Son Beechwood Louis XVI Chaise Lounge - Original Print Ad